Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stained Glass Hearts

I just finished reading the book, Stained Glass Hearts: Seeing Life from a Broken Perspective, by Patsy Clairmont. Patsy is a Women of Faith speaker and has a wonderful way with words spoken as well as written.

Each one of us have heartaches, pain, things unexpected that happen, but what IF these painful things could be stained glass pieces that will one day reveal the great masterpiece of our Master? I love how the writer says, "We have a Creator who knows where the scattered pieces of our achy-breaky hearts landed and how to fit them back together again. Not one splinter escapes His redemptive works. Our restoration will be an ongoing integration until the day we step into Christ's presence, when all will finally be set into place."

I have been challenged to really trust my Creator not only with me but with my "broken" son Zachary, believe me it is hard to give over your child when you think God could heal him but doesn't. I struggle each day with the Creator who can fix anything but sometimes chooses not to. But if I truly trust and believe God really does have all of us in His hands- then I have to believe these stained glass pieces will be a wonderful stained glass masterpiece that God's light can shine through, for me and for my Zachary.

Friends may your life be a beautiful stained glass masterpiece- may God take your brokenness and make something beautiful out of it! May I remember that I can only see the pieces but someday will see His masterpiece of my broken pieces. God Bless you my friend!

I was provided a copy of this book through booksneeze.com for free to review.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! Another analogy to go along with the stained glass analogy I've always liked is that each of our lives are a thread in a gigantic tapestry. Individually, we're small being just a mere thread, but woven into the whole with the other threads the picture comes alive. It'll be a grand picture looked at and talked about for the rest of eternity.
